Sunday, April 26, 2009

My Daddy

I got some great pictures of my dad yesterday, so wanted to post them for everyone to see! My daddy served his country in VietNam and thank God was one of the lucky one's who made it home alive. He supports his country, loves his family and his dogs, and is a hell of a good man to have as a father. He's taught me a ton about life...more than I could ever put in print. He's straight-spoken and pretty much tells it like it is, and expects people to pull their own weight but is still loving and helping at the same time. He's someone I look up to, someone that I am proud to call my dad. He's also a member of the American Legion Riders M.C. and rides both for fun and in charity events. So...if you ever see him out there on his bike...know that that's my daddy, and wave....

(If you see him out riding, you'll be able to tell it's him by the vest...look for the eagle and his nickname, Buck, on the back between his shoulderblades.)

Folks, when you're out there driving, please pay attention and watch out for motorcycles! There are people on motorcycles everywhere, especially with the weather getting warmer. Their bikes are smaller than your car, truck, or SUV. If you're not watching, you might overlook someone on a bike because you're too busy watching for people in bigger vehicles. That's where awareness and paying attention come in. Every person out there riding is someone's child, someone's spouse, someone's brother/sister, someone's parent, or someone's friend. Society tends to think of people on motorcycles as either A) hell-bent madmen, or B) crazy young punks. But there are far more regular people riding than there are people who fall into those two categories. People with honor, integrity, intelligence and morals. I have a lot of family members who ride, so please, watch out for them and everyone on a motorcycle while you're driving...