Sunday, April 5, 2009

My Boys

The pride & joy of my life are my sons, Bryson & Zack. They are now teenagers, and each day they grow more independent, more self-aware, and they are outgrowing the 'kid' stage and turning into 'men'. They also have this annoying habit of growing way taller than me! Below are a few pictures of them...

Zack, Kyle Petty, and Bryson

Richard Petty, Zack, & Bryson

My boys...

I remember once upon a time when the boys were little and I saw women who had kids in middle or high school. I used to think, "Dang, those women are old, they've got teenagers, high schoolers". Well, guess what? Now I have one in high school and one at the end of the middle school I realize that those women weren't so old afterall....either that or I'm old now, and I refuse to think about that possibility!

Bryson is my oldest, my miracle child. He was born with cranio-facial birth defects and we didn't know if he would survive. He went through so much as a child...his first surgery was at 3 weeks old; he stopped breathing when he slept...sometimes up to 60 times a night as documented in sleep studies; he had other breathing problems that would swell his airway shut whenever he had an attack; and he had surgery every few months. He's had surgeries on every part of his face and skull, as well as brain surgery. Those are just a *few* of the things he's gone through. And even now that he's older, he still has his own set of medical challenges, as well as all the normal stuff that teenagers go through. He's been through so much, but he is also probably the strongest person I've ever met. Bryson is a musician, and has more talent in his little finger than I possess in my entire body. He can play drums, guitar, bass, pretty much whatever he wants. And he plays better than a lot of adults I've met...

Zack is my youngest, my baby...even though he thinks he's too old to be my baby and would probably balk at reading himself described as such. Zack wasn't born with the same physical issues as Bryson, but in a way he's gone through it all, too, since he's always been right there with his brother as he went through it. Being an only child, I don't quite understand the whole 'sibling' relationship, but I guess their's is normal. They fight like cats & dogs, but they love each other at the same time. Zack is a typical teenage male...he loves listening to music, playing video games, and hanging out in his room talking on the phone. He's also good at drawing, and has decorated the walls of his room with his own's pretty cool...

Boys...on the off-chance that ya'll take the time to read this....I want you both to know that you two are the loves of my life. We've been through a lot together, and though I might would change some of the ~things~ we've had to go through, I wouldn't change ~who~ I've gone through them with for anything....I love you and forever, today and always... ~Mom


mother & meemee said...

My daughter is the best. My grandsons are the greatest. They're not greatgrandsons but they are great grandsons. Sorry, I've lost my marbles.