Saturday, April 11, 2009

Puppy Pics

Here's a couple more pictures of my girls. It seems like every time I turn around they end up with yet another nickname...the latest version for Tinkerbell is "TinkerToy" and Jazzie is "Squeaky Toy". Jazzie got her nickname because half the time when she barks she sounds more like a squeaky toy that has been stepped on...not to mention the fact that she absolutely loves to chew on anything that will squeak or squeal when she bites it. Tinkerbell got her version of the nickname because it was just something that went along with Jazzie's, TinkerToys were always fun to play with as a child...

Tinker with her chewy steak...she loves any of the nylabone-type things and will drag them everywhere she goes to chew on them...

Jazzie finally held still long enough for me to get another picture...I need to start using the red-eye-reducer flash with her because she always ends up looking possessed!